Latest Android Version : Android N 7.0 Features,Release,News

Latest Android Version : Android N 7.0 Features,Release,News

Latest Update :Google Release a new Build of Android N for Developer Preview 3, Some are questioning about the official name of the latest version many say It would be Nutella, So if you want to try this Android N 7.0 Preview 3 Grab your Nexus 6P or Nexus 5X and go ahead and install it on your Device.

Android N (Build 3 Review)

Google Announce Google N early, So it will give Developer more time to tinker the update according to Google.

Does Android N will be the Android 7.0?

It is not really confirmed that the latest Android N will be the Android 7.0, Because yes we know that google sometimes opted to do some iterations for the update like Android 4 have Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, 4.1 jellybean and 4.4 KitKat

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Vulkan API in Android N?

Vulkan API is said to be one of the biggest increase of performance in Android N, Which now supported in the update of Developer Preview 2 ,

Wikipedia : Vulkan is a low-overhead, cross-platform 3D graphics and compute API first announced at GDC 2015 by the Khronos Group. The Vulkan API was initially referred to as the "next generation OpenGL initiative" by Khronos, but use of those names were discontinued once the Vulkan name was announced.

Android N Developer Build 3

The Android N Developer Build 3 said to be increase of performance and stability Google also has addes a platform to support and Optimization for new VR Mode


We know that the latest Android N Support Vulcan API for better performance and user experience for gamer's 

Android VR

Daydream,VR is also along side of the latest Android N Upgrade

Multi-window mode

The Multi-Windows Mode will be smooth and optimized in Android N update,
Like most major platform changes, developers will have to opt in for the split screen mode to allow their apps to run smoothly. This can be done by adding a new attribute called: resizableActivity.

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