SEO Is Not Complicated, It Is Common Sense

SEO Is Not Complicated, It Is Common Sense , Most of blogger out there are overthinking on how to have great SEO, But SEO is not Complicated as you though, So first Question your self, What actually SEO is? Yes SEO is a method to be rightfully followed to Increase the amount of traffic on your blog and obtaining high ranking in Search engine such as Google, When I first knew about SEO my mind filled with question on how to achieve it fast? 

The Main Reason of this Article is to remind to you to stop thinking of your SEO and stop doing unnecessary and illegal way to have better SEO , is not that complicated the thing you should worry is what other people say's about your blog , Does your Audiences satisfied with your work? Did it help your Audiences with your work? Did you do your best in making the best article you could do? What's gonna be your next Article that would help everybody? Thanks the following Question you should filled in your mind not "How to rank fast? Is there a shortcut to have massive traffic? if you think that way well it will be hard 

So why did i say that SEO is just a Common Sense?

Just think for a second, if you ask anyone how will he notices and share your blog?
Of course Because it has great content,easy to understand and User Friendly, 
SEO Plug-in/Script or Adding a dozens of keywords wont help your blog if your content is Someone else Content or its not User friendly and its hard to understand, Bear in your mind that Making your Audiences/Visitors Happy will definitely makes your SEO Happy too,

Check this aritlce: Five Secrets That Experts of SEO Don't Want You To Know

So SEO is very important in Bloggers World so always believe in your self and share your knowledge with the best you can , Share this article if you like it

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